Innovation and enterprise blog

The British Library Business & IP Centre can help you start, run and grow your business

25 January 2016

Speed mentoring tips

Speed mentoring events can provide an excellent opportunity for you to ask seasoned experts your burning questions.

One of the event mentors in a one on one discussion with one of our event attendees
Sam Lane Photography

‘How does it work?’ I hear you ask. Well, it’s simple really. Similar to speed dating you find yourself a seat at a table and move to another table when the bell rings. Unlike speed dating, however, you will be at a table with an experienced mentor, rather than a potential suitor, as well as other small business owners like you and you probably won’t go home with a hot date!

Here’s the thing – your time at each table with each mentor is short and like speed dating, you need to ask the right questions in order to find serendipitous success. If done well, you can get some solid advice from those who have been there and done it. You can also make new connections that will be invaluable for your business’s future.

Here are our top tips for making the most out of your speed mentoring experience:

1. Research the mentors in advance

Speed mentoring events will usually have a theme or topic such as: getting your business online, how to run a food business, making and designing, publishing online, exporting, inventions advice, marketing, intellectual property, etc.  You will probably have signed up based on the theme that most suits your needs. But take a deeper look at who the mentors are. They are usually listed on the events page online.

Some of the mentors you may be familiar with, others not so much. Do a quick Google search on each of the mentors and make a note on their background, past experience and area of expertise. Maybe one of the mentors has worked with similar businesses to yours. Maybe another has had to overcome a problem like the one you are having. Knowing each mentor’s strengths will allow you to plan your time at the session. However, the great thing about speed mentoring is that you will get to talk to all of the mentors at the event.

One of the event mentors in discussion with some of our event attendees about a beauty product and other queries
Sam Lane Photography

2. Prepare questions

Once you have researched the mentors, you should then make a shortlist of questions for each of them. As the time at each table is limited, and you will have other people also asking questions, make sure your questions are specific, concise and relevant to that particular mentor. Cut to the chase – this is your opportunity to ask a burning question so no need to beat around the bush.

One of the event mentors in a group discussion
Sam Lane Photography

3. Get a plan of action together

Now you know who the mentors are, you know which ones you need to desperately talk to and you know what you are going to ask them. If there two or three of the mentors who you want to talk to more than others, plan to sit with them at the start of the session when both of you have the most energy. You may be tired by the end, so ask your most important questions to the most relevant people at the start. This also allows you to go back to that person at the end of the event if you forgot to ask them something or need further clarification.

One of the event mentors in a one on one discussion with one of our event attendees
Sam Lane Photography

4. Bring your business cards

Not only will you get the chance to meet some influential business mentors but you will also have the opportunity to network with like-minded peers. We know that running your own business can often be a lonely pursuit, so don’t miss the chance to make some new connections with people on the same path as you.

One of the event mentors having a constructive discussion with the attendee about the product of asthmatic pumps and other queries
Sam Lane Photography

5. Show and tell

We encourage attendees to bring examples of their products or designs, assuming they are not too big! Showing off your work to mentors enables them to see what you are working on. Giving someone a sample or prototype to hold in their own hands, can allow the mentor to make a true emotional connection with a physical example of your business. It will also be good experience for pitching your product to investors. If your business is online, bring a tablet or laptop so you can take the mentors through your online platform.

One of the event mentors group discussion with some of our event attendees
Sam Lane Photography

This might sound like a lot of work, but speed mentoring events are inspirational and a lot of fun. You can meet guiding lights in your industry and become motivated to take your business to the next level.

Sign up for future workshops and events now, to receive advice from experienced mentors on boosting your business online.


Diane Kelly on behalf of the Business & IP Centre


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