Medieval manuscripts blog

Bringing our medieval manuscripts to life

11 February 2011

Medieval Masterpieces

A quick reminder that episode two of The Beauty of Books, entitled "Medieval Masterpieces", airs on BBC4 next Monday, 14 February, at 20.30.

This episode stars the stunning Luttrell Psalter and the exquisite Bedford Hours, both in the keeping of the British Library: view the trailer.

An opening from The Luttrell Psalter, showing its distinctive marginal illustrations.

The Luttrell Psalter, made in Lincolnshire, c. 1320-1340 (Add MS 42130, f. 170).

Selected images of the Luttrell Psalter can be seen on the British Library's Online Gallery, Turning the Pages.

Episode one of The Beauty of Books, "Ancient Bibles", featuring the Codex Sinaiticus, drew 468,000 viewers on its first showing, and remains available via the BBC iPlayer.


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