Projects that went online in 2024-25
If you are wondering which projects we were able to put online over the past year, here is the list:
- EAP1238 - Protecting Endangered Heritage in the Abode of Clouds, Meghalaya: Critical Materials from the Khasi Cultural Transformation and Folklore Traditions
- EAP1280 - Rescuing the Islamic Heritage of North-Eastern Kazakhstan
- EAP1304 - Palm-leaf manuscripts from the Śaṅkaran institutions of Kerala
- EAP1364 - Digitisation of the East India Company records of St Helena, South Atlantic
- EAP1366 - Preserving records of social and political life in nineteenth-century Sierra Leone
- EAP1412 - Preservation of communication material of an early cinema distribution company in South India
- EAP1432 - Recalling a trans-local past: digitising Mon palm-leaf manuscripts of Thailand. Part 2
- EAP1435 - An obscure archive: Hindi-Urdu periodicals from late colonial India, 1900-1950
- EAP1436 - Rescuing and organising Church, Merchant and Burial Records of Lokoja, Northern Nigeria, 1841-1960
- EAP1438 - Digitisation of Nyasaland District administration reports
- EAP1447 - Digitising the history of a commercial and agrarian entrepôt in the Colombian Caribbean: the notary records of Ciénaga-Magdalena, 1825-1938
- EAP1450 - Caste, land, and labour in Jaffna: a survey and digitisation project in Sri Lankan agrarian history
- EAP1451 - Digitisation of the archive of The Society of Malawi
- EAP1457 - Mathematical practices of the Indian Ocean world in coastal Islamic communities of the Coromandel and Malabar, south India
- EAP1463 - Small Indian-language newspapers and periodicals from the early 20th century
- EAP1466 - Anáforas: rescue of 19th-century English, French and Uruguayan risk newspapers published in Montevideo
- EAP1470 - Time stands still: preserving the Manaki brothers' photographic legacy
- EAP1474 - Stampa migrante: periodicals of the Italian community of Egypt, 1892-1940
- EAP1475 - Digitisation of archival material and rare books preserved at the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, Kolkata, 1878-1950
- EAP1485 - Preservation of historic documents from western Nepal
- EAP1487 - Digitisation of manuscript records of the first section of the documentary fund of the San Francisco de Lima archive
- EAP1490 - Digitisation and preservation of a historic collection of Mongolian authors at the National Library of Mongolia
- EAP1497 - Ankara State Conservatory historical photographs and documents archive project
- EAP1501 - Digitisation of notarial documents in a fluvial port of the Sinú River in the Colombian Caribbean
- EAP1517 - Preservation of Osor's rare book collection through digitisation
- EAP1525 - The papers of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry Kolkata
- EAP1532 - Preserving local Chilean history: "La Patria" newspaper in 1930's Concepción press
- EAP1544 - Understanding Mandate Palestine through the publications and archive of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem
- EAP1546 - Vernacular syncretism and cultural heterodoxy in colonial Bengal: Digitisation and survey of rare archives at Maha Bodhi Society, Kolkata
- EAP1556 - A forgotten military heritage – rescuing the ‘lost’ service records of the King’s African Rifles
- EAP1559 - Unveiling and preserving the Egyptian cinema and theatre history
- EAP1624 - Digitisation of documents from the founding of the Student Federation of Peru 1920-1921