Medieval manuscripts blog

Bringing our medieval manuscripts to life

87 posts categorized "Events"

04 November 2013

Blackburn's 'Worthy Citizen': A Colloquium on the R. E. Hart Collection

Personification of Death at the beginning of the Office of the Dead, from an Italian Book of Hours, c. 1470-1480, Hart 20966, f. 106v

It is our very great pleasure to invite you - by proxy - to an upcoming colloquium about one of England's 'hidden' rare book and manuscript collections.  Although it is not entirely unknown to scholars, the R. E. Hart collection of manuscripts, incunables, and early printed books (now held by the Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery) is rarely utilised by academics; the present curator of the Museum, Vinai Solanki, has welcomed only three such visitors in the past five years.  This is a particular shame as the collection, though small, is spectacular, and contains such gems as the Peckover Psalter (France, c. 1220-40) and the Blackburn Psalter (England, William of Devon workshop, c. 1250-60), as well as a number of significant Books of Hours and early printed books. 

Detail of an historiated initial 'B'(eatus vir) with two scenes of King David, at the beginning of the Psalms, from the Peckover Psalter, France, c. 1220-40, Hart 21117, f. 14v

An exhibition of ten items from the Hart collection will be available from 8 November to 28 November in Goldsmith's Library Reading Room, Senate House, London (see below), and this exhibition will culminate in a one-day colloquium on 23 November at the Institute of English Studies, Senate House; please see the relevant IES page here.  Registration includes refreshments, lunch, and a wine reception at the end of the day, and the first 25 student places are offered free of charge. 

More details about the project can be found at:  We hope to see you there!

Blackburn poster 10.10.13 final

12 September 2013

The Worms Bible on Display in Mannheim

The British Library is delighted to have loaned three manuscripts to an major exhibition in Mannheim at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen.  This exhibition, The Wittelsbachs on the Rhine: The Electoral Palatinate and Europe, will run from 8 September 2013 until 2 March 2014The exhibition corresponds to an important period of history, namely the 800th anniversary of the granting of the County Palatine of the Rhine to the Wittelsbach family, and celebrates the history, arts and culture of the Wittelsbach Counts Palatine and Electors.


In 1214, Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen invested the Wittelsbach Duke Ludwig I with the  County Palatine, formerly under the control of the Welf family.  This established an unbroken Wittelsbach line of Counts Palatine which continued through to Carl Theodor, Count Palatine and Duke of Bavaria (d. 1799).  The Wittelsbachs always referred to themselves as Counts Palatine of the Rhine and Dukes of Bavaria; emphasis was given to the title of Count Palatine because it included the right to serve as one of the seven electors of the king.  This is an exceptional story of the transformation of a rather obscure family into a dynasty that ruled vast territories in the Holy Roman Empire for 800 years.

Miniature of Jerome writing at a desk with a small monk below, and the illuminated initial 'F'(rater) with foliate interlace and bands, at the beginning of Jerome's letter to Ambrose, Germany (Frankenthal), c. 1148, Harley MS 2803, f. 1v

The first volume of the Worms Bible (Harley MS 2803; the manuscript is now in two volumes) appears in the first section of the exhibition, which highlights the importance of the Rhenish Palatine region.  The massive Worms Bible was probably written or illuminated c. 1148 at the Augustinian abbey of Mary Magdalene in Frankenthal, 10 kilometers south of Worms, now a short train ride from Mannheim.  If you are unable to make it to the exhibition, you can view this first volume in its entirely on the Library’s Digitised Manuscripts website (Harley MS 2803).  We hope to digitize the second volume and make it available on the web in the next several months.

Alongside the history of the Rhenish Palatine region and the Wittelsbach family and its origins, the concept of the 'Electoral Palatinate' will also take centre stage in the exhibition's first section.  The Palatinate was one of the richest and most important regions in the Holy Roman Empire, a domain of innovation and creativity.  Co-curator Viola Skiba comments that this remains true today, noting that ‘it is a common phenomenon that the people call themselves “Kurpfälzer”, meaning “Palatinates”, without knowing what this signifies'. 

Despite the importance of the so-called 'Pfalzgrafschaft' around 1200, there were only few places of renown in the Palatinate, but one of these was Frankenthal and its Augustinian monastery, which developed into a centre of economic and cultural potential with an influence that lasted until the dissolution of the monastery in 1562 and the consequent dispersal of its library.  In commenting on the relative paucity of surviving material from the region, Skiba describes the Worms  Bible as 'the highlight and the key exhibit of this first section dedicated to the region and its cultural and political importance.’

Two other British Library manuscripts feature in the exhibition, both Hebrew illuminated manuscripts.  They are placed in the second section of the exhibition, which addresses the importance of the river Rhine and highlights the different cultural and political aspects of the region.  Part of this is a focus on the rich cultural heritage of the Jewish communities in Rhenish cities, above all the so-called SchUM cities Speyer, Worms and Mainz (SchUM is an acronym derived from the initial letters of the Hebrew names of the cities: Schpira, Warmeisa, Magenza).

Numerous precious manuscripts - now found all over the world - trace their origins to the region along the Rhine. Many of these manuscripts are beautifully illuminated and testify to the high artistic quality of the work done by the scribes and illuminators employed.  

Add MS 22413 f. 3r 077786
Historiated initial-word panel of the Receiving the Law with Moses streching his hands for the tablets and Aaron (shown as a Christian bishop) and the Israelites (divided according to sex) waiting at the foot of the mountain, at the beginning of a liturgical poem for the first day of Shavuot, Germany, c. 1322, Additional MS 22413, f. 3r

The first manuscript, Additional MS 22413, is a festival prayer book for Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) and Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacles).  This is one part of the 'Tripartite Mahzor'; the other two volumes are Budapest (Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Kaufmann Collection MS A384), and Oxford (Bodleian Library MS Michael 619).  The prayer book was originally a two-volume codex; in the exhibition the first two parts are reunited and can be viewed side-by-side.  Skiba comments that ‘This alone will be one of the absolute highlights of the exhibition’. 

Add MS 15282 f. 179v a80062-19
Full-page panel inhabited by hybrids and dragons, and four knights holding banners with the symbols of the four tribes camped around the Tabernacle (Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, Dan), and with the initial-word panel Wa-yedabber (and [the Lord] spoke) in its centre, at the beginning of Numbers, Germany, first quarter of the 14th century, Additional MS 15282, f. 179v

The second British Library Hebrew manuscript to be featured is Additional MS 15282, the famous 'Duke of Sussex's German Pentateuch').  This Ashkenazi manuscript, written in Hebrew and Aramaic, was produced in the first quarter of the 14th century by the scribe Hayyim, and contains a number of lavishly decorated word-panels.


Und jetzt in Deutsch!

2013/14 gedenken die Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim gemeinsam mit der Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz, den Staatlichen Schlössern und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, der Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlösser und Gärten Hessen, dem Historischen Museum der Pfalz, Speyer, und dem Kurpfälzischen Museum Heidelberg einem bedeutenden historischen Jubiläum. Dann jährt sich die Übertragung der Pfalzgrafschaft bei Rhein an die Familie der Wittelsbacher zum 800. Mal. Mit einer unter dem Titel „Die Wittelsbacher am Rhein. Die Kurpfalz und Europa“ geplanten, großen Doppel-Ausstellung soll an die Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur der wittelsbachischen Pfalzgrafen und Kurfürsten gedacht werden.

1214 übertrug der staufische Kaiser Friedrich II. die vormals welfische Pfalzgrafschaft an Herzog Ludwig I (1174-1231).  Damit wurde eine ununterbrochene wittelsbachische Traditionslinie begründet, die bis hin zu Carl Theodor (1714-1799) reichte. Über alle Landesteilungen und dynastischen Zufälle hinweg bewahrten die Wittelsbacher die Verantwortung für die Einheit von Haus und Herrschaft. Stets nannten sie sich Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein und Herzöge von Bayern. Der Pfalzgrafentitel stand dabei häufig im Vordergrund, denn aus diesem konnten die Wittelsbacher das Vorrecht ableiten, im Kreis der Kurfürsten den König zu wählen und mit ihm gemeinsam die Reichspolitik zu gestalten.

Die British Library unterstützt den Ausstellungsteil, der sich mit dem Mittelalter befasst (um 1200 bis 1504) durch die Leihgabe von drei kostbaren und bedeutenden Handschriften.

Bei der ersten Leihgabe handelt es sich um den ersten Band der „Frankenthaler Bibel“, die auch als „Wormser Bibel“ geführt wird und die im 12. Jahrhundert in Frankenthal entstanden ist. Die großformatig und wunderbar illuminierte Bibel wird im ersten Ausstellungskapitel zu sehen sein, das sich der Bedeutung der rheinischen Pfalzgrafschaft widmet. In dieser Abteilung wird eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte vorgestellt: der Aufstieg einer bis dahin eher unbedeutenden Familie zu großer Macht.  Die Geschichte einer Dynastie, die schließlich für 800 Jahre große Gebiete im Heiligen Römischen Reich beherrschen sollten und zu den mächtigsten Fürsten Europas zählten.

Neben der Familie und ihrer Herkunft wird dabei auch das Gebiet der „Kurpfalz“ in den Mittelpunkt treten. Über die Jahrhunderte war die Pfalzgrafschaft eine der reichsten und bedeutendsten Regionen des Heiligen Römischen Reichs, ein Territorium, das von Innovationen und Kreativität geprägt war und noch immer geprägt ist.  Noch heute begreifen sich die Bewohner dieses historischen Gebiets, das als solches nicht länger existiert als „Kurpfälzer“, auch wenn sie gar nicht wissen, was dies bedeutet. Die Besucher sollen daher dieses besondere historische Territorium, seine Besonderheiten und seine Herrscher kennenlernen.

Trotz der Bedeutung der Pfalzgrafschaft gab es in der Zeit um 1200 nur wenige nennenswerte städtischen oder kulturellen Zentren in diesem Gebiet. Eines war allerdings Frankenthal mit seinem Augustiner-Chorherrenstift, das sich zu einem Zentrum von großem ökonomischen und kulturellen Potential entwickelte und das seinen Einfluss für 400 Jahre geltend machte.  Im Jahre 1562 wurde das Stift im Zuge der Reformation aufgelöst.  Alle Besitztümer und nicht zuletzt die Bibliothek wurden auf Befehl Friedrich III nach Heidelberg verbracht und der von Friedrich III der Universitätsbibliothek hinzugefügt.  Um einen der größten Schätze dieser Zeit, die sog. Wormser Bibel soll die Bedeutung der historischen Region der Rheinischen Pfalzgrafschaft erklärt werden. Tatsächlich war das Gebiet im Laufe der Jahrhunderte so umkämpft, dass unglücklicherweise nur wenig archäologisches Material oder anderes kulturelles Gut die Stürme der Zeit überdauert hat. Daher stellt die kostbare und wunderbar gearbeitete Bibel das Highlight und ein Schlüsselexponat für diese erste, der Region und ihrer Bedeutung gewidmete Sektion dar.

Das zweite Ausstellungskapitel widmet sich der Bedeutung des Rheins und versucht verschiedene kulturelle und politische Aspekte rund um den Strom aufzugreifen. Einer dieser Themenbereiche betrifft die jüdische Kultur im mittleren Rheingebiet und in der Kurpfalz.  Eine ganze Untersektion ist dem reichen kulturellen Erbe der jüdischen Gemeinden mit ihren Zentren in den rheinischen Städten, vor allem den sogenannten SchUM-Städten Speyer, Worms und Mainz gewidmet (SchUM ist ein Akronym, dass sich aus den Anfangsbuchstaben der hebräischen Namen der drei Städte zusammensetzt: Spira, Warmeisa, Magenza).

Da das Judentum essentiell eine auf Schriften basierende Religion ist, bei der die Arbeit mit Texten und Manuskripten zur Religionsausübung gehörte, kam es zu einer besonderen Entwicklung der Buchkultur. Zahlreiche kostbare Manuskripte, die nun über die ganze Welt verstreut sind entstanden entlang des Rheins.

Viele dieser Handschriften weisen wunderbare Illustrationen auf und belegen den hohen künstlerischen Standard der Arbeit der Schreiber und Illuminatoren. Mehrere dieser Manuskripte sind in der Ausstellung zu sehen, darunter zwei Bücher aus der British Library, ein Pentateuch und eine Machsor-Handschrift. Letztere ist Teil eines ursprünglich zweibändigen Werks, das heute in drei Teilen vorliegt und in verschiedenen Bibliotheken aufbewahrt wird. Für die Ausstellung in Mannheim wurden zwei dieser drei Teile wieder vereinigt: der erste Teil des Machsor aus der Bibliothek und Informationszentrum der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der zweite Teil aus der British Library. Das allein wird einen der Höheunkte der Ausstellung „Die Wittelsbacher am Rhein. Die Kurpfalz und Europa“ darstellen.

- Kathleen Doyle and Viola Skiba

06 September 2013

Seamus Heaney: An Appreciation

It is a week since Famous Seamus sadly passed away. Seamus Heaney, Nobel Laureate for Literature, came to the British Library as part of our Beowulf week in October 2009. In front of an enthralled audience, he read extracts from his award-winning translation of Beowulf. Heaney then listened in turn as Michael Morpurgo and Benjamin Bagby performed their respective versions of the poem, before all three discussed Beowulf under the expert chairmanship of Michael Wood.

Beouwlf panel b_w


The Beowulf event at the British Library in 2009, featuring (from left to right) Michael Wood, Michael Morpurgo, Benjamin Bagby and Seamus Heaney

As a curator at the British Library, it's always rewarding to find ways of making our medieval manuscripts come to life, and to demonstrate how they remain relevant to modern and future generations. Seamus Heaney's participation in our week of Beowulf events was a notable highlight -- how to take an epic written in a long-dead language, and to re-invent and re-interpret it for modern listeners.

Heaney's version of Beowulf had won the Whitbread Prize for Book of the Year in 1999. Around that time, the British Library acquired from him nine typewritten drafts, with handwritten annotations, of the first page of his version of Beowulf (Additional MS 78917). When visiting us in 2009, Seamus Heaney expressed his delight to see examples of his draft displayed alongside the original manuscript of Beowulf, together with paintings loaned by Michael Foreman, the illustrator of Michael Morpurgo's re-telling of the story for children.


A draft of Seamus Heaney's award-winning version of Beowulf (London, British Library, MS Additional 78917).

Before appearing onstage at the British Library, Seamus Heaney had attended the previous evening's performance by Benjamin Bagby, who sings the story of Beowulf and Grendel in the original Old English, to the accompaniment of the harp. I gave Heaney a copy of our Treasures in Focus introduction to Beowulf, and he very kindly signed my own copy of his Beowulf translation. I thanked him for so kindly agreeing to perform in our event; but no, the pleasure was his, he replied, it had been a privilege to see Bagby sing Beowulf, the poem which Seamus Heaney had in turn transformed into a modern masterpiece. It was one of those truly special moments, to witness the coming together of two great poets, wordsmiths who lived a thousand years apart but were united by their love of the poetic form.

The Old English poem Beowulf ends with the burial of the eponymous hero. We can do Seamus Heaney no better compliment than to repeat here the same lines in his own words, with the gracious permission of Faber and Faber, his publishers.

"Then twelve warriors rode around the tomb,

chieftain's sons, champions in battle,

all of them distraught, chanting in dirges,

mourning his loss as a man and a king.

They extolled his heroic nature and exploits

and gave thanks for his greatness; which was the proper thing,

for a man should praise a prince whom he holds dear

and cherish his memory when that moment comes

when he has to be convoyed from his bodily home."


Julian Harrison, Curator of Pre-1600 Historical Manuscripts

24 August 2013

Mary, Queen of Scots Manuscripts On Loan

The British Library is delighted to have loaned a number of important historical documents to the excellent Mary, Queen of Scots exhibition at National Museums Scotland in Edinburgh.  Our loans are displayed alongside jewellery, textiles, furniture, paintings, maps and manuscripts, all of which are used to re-examine the life and legacy of Scotland’s most famous Queen.

On 16 May 1568, Mary fled to England after being forced to abdicate the Scottish throne in favour of her one-year-old son, the future James I of England. As Elizabeth I’s cousin, Mary fully expected to be invited to court, but her Catholic faith and claim to the English throne made her a natural focus for discontented Catholics who refused to conform to Elizabeth's Protestant faith. For reasons of security, therefore, Mary was placed under house arrest and for the next nineteen years would be moved with her household from one secure location to another. 

Additional 33594, f. 174

Sketch of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire: London, British Library, MS Additional 33594, f. 174

One of the British Library loans currently on display in Edinburgh is this sketch of Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire, in which Mary was first imprisoned in 1569 and again in 1584.  Mary complained that ‘I am in a walled enclosure, on the top of a hill exposed to the winds and inclemencies of heaven’, and that her own apartments were ‘two little miserable rooms, so excessively cold, especially at night’.  The castle bridge and gate-house are visible bottom-right and on the left the Queen’s presence chamber and bedchamber have been identified along with rooms for her gentlewomen of the chamber, surgeon, ‘poticary’ and her secretary, Claude Nau.


Sketch of the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots: London, British Library, MS Additional 48027, f. 569* 

In 1586, Mary was brought to trial for complicity in the Babington plot.  The hearing took place on 14–15 October 1586 in the Great Chamber at Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, and is illustrated in this pen-and-ink sketch from the papers of Robert Beale, Clerk of the Privy Council.  Mary is shown twice: aided by two gentlewomen as she enters the court room (top-right), and sitting in a high-backed chair (upper-right, marked ‘A’).  Elizabeth did not attend the trial and therefore her chair of state on the dais is empty (top-centre).  The trial commissioners are identified by numbers.  Elizabeth’s chief advisor, Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley, shown seated opposite Mary, is ‘2’, and Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth’s principal secretary, shown opposite the vacant chair of state, is ‘28’.  The commission of thirty-six peers, privy councillors and judges found Mary guilty of plotting to assassinate Elizabeth. 

Cotton Caligula C ix, f. 192

Letter from James VI to Elizabeth I, 26, January 1587: London, British Library, MS Cotton Caligula C IX, f. 192  

On 26 January 1587, in a final attempt to save the life of the mother he barely knew, James VI of Scotland wrote to his ‘dearest sister’, Elizabeth I.  Beginning two lines from the bottom of this page he asks, ‘Quhat thing, Madame, can greatlier touche me in honoure that is a king and a sonne than that my nearest neihboure, being in straittest [friend]shipp with me, shall rigouruslie putt to death a free souveraigne prince and my natural mother, alyke in estaite and sexe to hir that so uses her … to a harder fortune, and touching hir nearlie in proximitie of bloode?’


Sketch of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots: London, British Library, MS Additional 48027, f. 650*

Although Elizabeth signed Mary’s death warrant on 1 February 1587, she remained extremely reluctant to execute an anointed sovereign and instructed her secretary, William Davison, not to send it.  Lord Burghley, however, acted quickly and had the death warrant carried to Fotheringhay by Robert Beale, who read it aloud to Mary on 7 February, the evening before her execution.  This drawing shows Mary three times: entering the hall; being attended by her gentlewomen on the scaffold; and, finally, lying at the block with the executioner's axe raised ready to strike.  The Earls of Shrewsbury and Kent are seated to the left (1 & 2) and Sir Amias Paulet, one of Mary’s guards, is seated behind the scaffold (3). 

Additional 23240, f. 65

Letter from James VI to Elizabeth I, March 1587: London, British Library, MS Additional 23240, f. 65

When Elizabeth found out that Mary had been executed, she was furious and wrote to James VI apologising for ‘that miserable accident’ and protesting her innocence.  This is James’s unsigned draft reply to Elizabeth, dated March 1587, in which he assures her that given ‘youre many & solemne attestationis of youre innocentie I darr not wronge you so farre as not to judge honorablie of youre unspotted pairt thairin …’  Then, seizing the opportunity to press his case to be named as Elizabeth’s heir, he added ‘I looke that ye will geve me at this tyme suche a full satisfaction in all respectis as sall be a meane to strenthin & unite this yle, establishe & maintaine the trew religion’.

The Mary, Queen of Scots exhibition is on at National Museums Scotland until 17 November 2013.

21 August 2013

King Athelstan's Books

Are you tired of the Anglo-Saxons yet? No, we're not either! Those of you who have been engrossed by Michael Wood's recent series, King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons, may have seen the beautiful Athelstan Psalter in last night's programme. We featured this manuscript in a previous blogpost; but it's worth looking at again, and you may like to know that the entire Psalter is available to view on our Digitised Manuscripts site.


The Athelstan Psalter (London, British Library, MS Cotton Galba A XVIII, f. 21r).

The Athelstan Psalter is a curious little book, just large enough to fit into an adult male's hand. The script of the original portion indicates that the manuscript was made in North-East France, in the 9th century; but by the middle of the 10th century the Psalter was in England, where it received a number of accretions, including a metrical calendar and some computistical texts.

The association of this manuscript with King Athelstan, the first king of England (reigned 924–939), is unproved. A note by a later owner, Thomas Dakcombe (d. c. 1572), describes the book as "Psaltirum Regis Ethelstani"; and this is echoed in the list of contents made for Sir Robert Cotton (d. 1631). As Professor Simon Keynes has commented, "the claim of the so-called Athelstan Psalter once to have belonged to the king is based on the slenderest of evidence". Michael Wood himself spoke on the Athelstan Psalter at the British Library's Royal manuscripts conference in 2011, the proceedings of which are shortly to be published by the British Library.

It's amazing how such a little book has survived the ravages of time (it escaped destruction by fire in 1731) to become a modern star in the age of television! Episode 3 of Michael Wood's King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons, entitled Aethelstan: The First King of England, can be viewed on the BBC iPlayer.

Further reading

Simon Keynes, ‘King Athelstan’s books’, in Michael Lapidge & Helmut Gneuss (eds.), Learning and Literature in Anglo-Saxon England: Studies presented to Peter Clemoes on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 143–201, at pp. 193–96

Robert Deshman, ‘The Galba Psalter: pictures, texts and context in an early medieval prayerbook’, Anglo-Saxon England, 26 (1997), 109–38

20 August 2013

St John the Evangelist in the Lindisfarne Gospels


St John the Evangelist in the Lindisfarne Gospels (London, British Library, MS Cotton Nero D IV, f. 209v).

Now on show in Durham, until 30 September 2013, is this miniature of St John the Evangelist in the Lindisfarne Gospels. The page in question prefaces the Gospel of John in this famous, Anglo-Saxon gospelbook. John is depicted sitting on a blue cushion, with a scroll held in his left hand, and with his evangelist symbol (an eagle, imago aequilae) above his head. The pigments are as rich as the day they were painted, a combination of oranges, reds, blues and greens.

The Lindisfarne Gospels is the centrepiece of the Durham exhibition, staged in Palace Green Library, a stone's throw (literally) from the impressive Romanesque cathedral. Also are show are other British Library manuscripts, most notably the St Cuthbert Gospel (which we bought for the nation in 2012 for £9 million), plus treasures from the British Museum, Corpus Christi College Cambridge and other institutions, and items from the Staffordshire Hoard. Catch the exhibition while you can, it's a treat!

You can read more about the exhibition here. And you can see the Lindisfarne Gospels in its entirety on our Digitised Manuscripts site.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, @blmedieval.

15 August 2013

Credo: British Library Manuscripts in Paderborn

The British Library has loaned three manuscripts to the exhibition 'Credo', which opened in Paderborn on 26 July 2013. The exhibition explores the Christianisation of medieval Europe, covering aspects such as the foundations of the missionary church and its spread through the Roman Empire, the Christianisation of Ireland, the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons, the missionary initiatives from the British Isles to the Continent, and the Christianisation of Scandinavia and of Lithuania under the rule of the Jagellonians.

Detail of Bede's Ecclesiastical History (London, British Library, MS Cotton Tiberius C II, f. 5v)
The section on the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons opens with an early, Kentish copy of Bede's Historia ecclesiaistica gentis Anglorum (British Library MS Cotton Tiberius C II), displayed open at Bede's famous description of Britannia. Also on loan is the early-9th century Anglian Collection (British Library MS Cotton Vespasian B VI), showing the royal pedigrees of Deira and Bernicia, which traced the origin of the Northumbrian kings back to Woden. Paulinus, the Italian missionary who went to the north of England to convert King Edwin of Northumbria (d. 633), is there named as the first bishop of York.

Detail of Alcuin's letter (London, British Library, MS Harley 208, f. 73v)
The third British Library loan is exhibited in the section of the exhibition examining the process of conversion by conquest under Charlemagne. British Library MS Harley 208 is a collection of letters written by the theologian Alcuin of York (d. 804), who was an advisor to Charlemagne. The letter displayed is an important witness of early medieval missionary thinking, the theology of conversions and a crucial document for the history of Charlemagne's struggle with the Saxon people. The entire manuscript is available to view on our Digitised Manuscripts site.

Image courtesy of the 'Credo' website.
The British Library is very pleased to be able to support this exhibition. Credo: Christianisierung Europas im Mittelalter is open in Paderborn until 3 November 2013, and is definitely worth a visit. In-Credo-ble: sorry, couldn't resist!

13 August 2013

The Lady of the Mercians

Some of you may already have watched the first episode of Michael Wood's new series, King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons, which is still available on the BBC iPlayer. (We're very hopeful that the whole series will eventually be broadcast worldwide.)


Detail of Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, from a 13th-century genealogical chronicle (London, British Library, MS Royal 14 B V).


King Alfred and his daughter Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians (London, British Library, MS Royal 14 B V).

Episode two will be shown tonight on BBC Four (21.00–22.00), and is entitled "The Lady of the Mercians". Æthelflæd (d. 918) was the daughter of Alfred of Wessex, and the wife of Æthelred, ealdorman of Mercia. Having become sole ruler of the Mercians following her husband's death in 911, Æthelflæd is credited with helping to reconquer the Danelaw (the English lands under Viking rule) in tandem with her younger brother Edward the Elder, king of Wessex (reigned 899–924). As Michael Wood concludes, without her "England might never have happened".

Roundels depicting Alfred, Æthelflæd and Edward the Elder, from a 14th-century genealogical chronicle (London, British Library, MS Royal 14 B VI).

Episode three of Michaels Wood's King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons will be shown next week. Many of the manuscripts featured in the series are held at the British Library, and some of them can be explored in more detail on our Digitised Manuscripts site or the Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts.


This manuscript of Aldhelm's De laudibus virginitatis was made around AD 900, possibly in Mercia, and later belonged to Worcester Cathedral Priory (London, British Library, MS Royal 5 F III, f. 35r).

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