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07 July 2021

Meet the Maker: Here. Design

In this blog series we profile some of the independent creative businesses behind some of our product ranges in the British Library Shop (both online and at our St Pancras, London site). This time, we meet Cécile from Here. Design, who worked on the bespoke product range and catalogue for the Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women’s Rights exhibition.

HERE_British Library_131020-7579_v3Designed by Here Design @heredesign. Photographed by Ruth Ward @Rutheward

Founded in 2005, Here. is ‘a company of thinkers, writers, designers, and makers who work together to create beautiful and useful things’. They are based in an East London studio, but Covid-19 has allowed them to rethink the way they work, enabling designers to work wherever they feel most inspired as individuals and as part of a team.

Here. worked with the British Library Publishing team on the Unfinished Business catalogue design, which then inspired the range of bespoke products for the shop, drawing on key themes of the exhibition, as Cécile explains:

‘Our design is inspired by the women’s suffrage banners to give a sense of empowerment to the younger generation via the products. All of the products in the range were designed to be worn and worn with pride.’

HERE_British Library_131020-7462_v4
Designed by Here Design @heredesign. Photographed by Ruth Ward @Rutheward
HERE_British Library_131020-7677_v2Designed by Here Design @heredesign. Photographed by Ruth Ward @Rutheward

The range combines bold colours with strong messaging, across flags, prints and cushions for the home, and t-shirts, bags, patches and more to wear your message with pride. Stand-out pieces include the ‘Girls Just Wanna Have FUNdamental Rights’ Cushion, and the ‘A Woman of Words is a Powerful Woman’ recycled leather notebook. Cécile’s favourite item is ‘the enamel pin ‘Change the Agender’ which I wear every day on my jacket’.

‘The product design with its focus on bold typography and inspiring messaging, is powerfully uplifting. Although beautiful objects in their own right, each has a positive purpose. We found inspiration in the imagination and persuasive language of women fighting to have their voices heard.’ 

Designed by Here Design @heredesign. Photographed by Ruth Ward @Rutheward

The bespoke range sits alongside books exploring the issues of the exhibition in more detail, and is complemented by branded items such as jewellery from Tatty Devine which supports the Fawcett Society. There are also 6 prints produced in collaboration with activist organisations who contributed to the exhibition.

‘Here. were a dream to work with. Their bold and colourful vision for both the book and merchandise perfectly captured the galvanising spirit of the Unfinished Business exhibition.’ Polly Russell, lead curator of the Unfinished Business exhibition

HERE_British Library_131020-7516_v3
Designed by Here Design @heredesign. Photographed by Ruth Ward @Rutheward

Cécile’s own advice for anyone starting out in design?

‘Have a voice! Your opinion and point of view are as important as someone who has been working in design for 20 years.

Click here to browse the Unfinished Business product range

Unfinished Business is open until Sunday 1 August and entry is free on Tuesdays. Click here to find out more.

Visit Here. Design’s website

Follow Here. Design on Instagram

05 July 2021

Book bloggers and the British Library

In this new content series Thomas Irvine in our Publishing team shines a light on some of the passionate book bloggers giving honest appraisals of our new titles.


We have a brilliant network of book bloggers who provide honest reviews of our titles in exchange for review copies, meaning we’re able to reach readers through Twitter, Instagram, Wordpress, YouTube and any of the independent networks each blogger has.

We send out a selection of questions to these bloggers as prompts to help them to share their reader experiences. Today we bring you Hayley Anderton who blogs for Desperate Reader.

How long have been reviewing books on your blog, and how did you get into it? 

I started blogging in August 2009. I was in an online book group with a few people who had become bloggers and had thought it was something that might be fun to do for a while. It took me months to think of a name, which is where the 'desperate' part of Desperate Reader came from. I really liked the blog format, and still do both as a blogger and a blog reader – it’s the easiest going form of social media I can think of. 

What was the first book you remember reviewing? 

The first book I reviewed was F. M. Mayor’s The Third Miss Symons. The first book that I clearly remember blogging about was Lady Audley’s Secret a couple of weeks later. I was reading a lot of old Virago Modern Classics that I’d collected from charity shops at the time and wanted to talk about them somewhere – this was another reason to start blogging.

What was the first British Library Publishing book you reviewed?

It was Mavis Doriel Hay’s The Santa Klaus Murder in January 2014. I’d bought Revelations of a Lady Detective a couple of months before (which I don’t think I’ve read yet) and I was very excited about the forthcoming Mavis Doriel Hay titles – and mildly frustrated by the lack of information on the British Library website about what promised to be a really interesting series – things have changed!

What’s been your favourite book that you’ve reviewed? 

In over a decade of book blogging there have been some amazing books, so this is a hard question to answer, it’s also the sort of answer that is liable to change on a daily basis, but Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Of Cats and Elfin is a strong contender. It’s a little bit weird, often funny, the stories are beautifully written, and come with a sting to them. It’s exactly the sort of book that would have been easy to miss before blogging and Book Twitter but which turned out to be an absolute treasure.

What’s been your favourite British Library book or series you’ve reviewed? 

This by contrast is a much easier question. I love the Crime Classics which have been consistently fun, I’m really impressed with the way the Women Writer’s series is shaping up, but the Tales of the Weird Classics are an easy favourite. I don’t think there’s anything else similar out there. The range of themes covered, the way they’re handled, even the way that occasional overlaps in the anthologies get me considering the same story in different contexts – it’s all good. I don’t think Lost in a Pyramid is officially part of this series, but I guess it’s where it started, and it’s my favourite British Library book to date.

Individually the stories are great, but together in all their sometimes ridiculous glory they explore something of Victorian attitudes to death and the afterlife that makes the collection so much more than the sum of its parts.

Hayley’s most recent read is Due to a Death by Mary Kelly. Read her review of it on her blog

If you are a book blogger interested in reviewing British Library titles please contact [email protected].    

Behind the scenes at the British Library: Sophie Sabin

We go behind the scenes at the Library to introduce you to our people and the many ways they work to bring our collection to everyone. With applications for our next intake of apprentices now open, who better to meet this month than Sophie Sabin, a former British Library apprentice and now Business Support Officer: Culture & Learning, Higher Education and Science, and co-Chair of the staff Gender Equality Network.

Sophie Sabin
Sophie Sabin

Tell me about your role?

Sophie joined the British Library as an apprentice in the Learning team, working specifically on the adult learning programme.

‘When I first started, it was just after the Harry Potter: A History of Magic exhibition had opened, which was great timing – I worked on lots of courses and study days themed around magic and the fantastic, which I found completely fascinating.’

Following her apprenticeship Sophie was appointed as our Business Support Officer: Culture & Learning, Higher Education and Science. Her day-to-day role sees her providing admin support across many of the Library’s public programmes, including governance of the exhibitions commissioning process and helping to manage the exhibition project boards. She also assists the Head of Higher Education and Science and the Head of Culture and Learning.

‘I also do a lot of strategic engagement with external stakeholders, such as during the development of the new Science Strategy, when I travelled to several different Higher Education Institutions around the UK.’

Sophie is also co-Chair of the staff Gender Equality Network. This role includes providing feedback on new People strategies and policy and gender representation in exhibitions. She attends Strategic Leadership Team meetings to give a gender equality perspective, alongside the other staff network Chairs from the BAME, Disability Support and LGBTQ+ Networks.

‘The Gender Equality Network also holds its own Network workshops and events, giving colleagues creative outlets such as a Gender Equality Zine and poetry night.’

How has Covid-19 changed the way you work?

Like the majority of our staff, Sophie has been working from home throughout the pandemic.

‘For the most part we’ve switched to digital (for example, the most recent British Library x British Fashion Council student competition took place online for the first time this year, and preparation for future exhibitions is continuing via Microsoft Teams).’

Her role as co-Chair of the Gender Equality Network has also become a lot busier, working with teams across the Library to try to ensure that there is no disproportionate impact, as a result of Covid-19, on women and non-binary people working at the Library.

What do you love about the Library?

Sophie hopes to continue working at the Library in a public-focussed role for many years to come.

‘One of the things I love most about working here is how well I think we serve our different audiences, and how much focus is on developing and supporting new and existing audiences – and engaging them with the collection – even more.’

In addition to this Sophie also appreciates the supportive staff community.

‘I have some brilliant colleagues with all kinds of different perspectives and interests. I really think it expands your worldview.’

What would your advice be to prospective apprentices?

Our apprenticeship schemes offer an opportunity to learn and are available to school leavers and anyone thinking about a career change. Sophie’s main advice for apprentices is to talk to everyone!

‘From when I first started – and I’ve carried on doing it – I just asked as many people as possible if they wanted to have a coffee with me and talk a bit about their area of work. You learn so much doing this, and that’s really helpful in an organisation as big as the Library where you might not always know what different departments are doing. And everyone is always really happy to talk.’

What’s your favourite object in our collection?

Sophie’s personal favourite is the collection of scrapbooks by Maud Arncliffe Sennett, who was a former actress and suffrage campaigner. She kept 37 scrapbooks over 30 years between 1906 and 1936, all filled with press cuttings, pamphlets, leaflets, hand-written notes and other items related to the suffrage movement of the time. Arncliffe Sennett was arrested four times for her activism and refused to condemn those militant suffragists who committed crimes such as property damage in their agitation for the vote. She also engaged the support of men in her campaigning, founding the Northern Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage. Arncliffe Sennett’s scrapbooks were donated to the British Museum in 1936 after her death and are now part of our collection.

A collection of press cuttings, pamphlets, leaflets and letters mainly relating to the movement for women's suffrage in England, formed and annotated by M. Arncliffe Sennett.] Created February – July 1907

A collection of press cuttings, pamphlets, leaflets and letters mainly relating to the movement for women's suffrage in England, formed and annotated by M. Arncliffe Sennett.] Created February – July 1907

A collection of press cuttings, pamphlets, leaflets and letters mainly relating to the movement for women's suffrage in England, formed and annotated by M Arncliffe Sennett. Created February – July 1907

‘I first saw the notebooks as part of an adult learning course on the militant history of the suffragists called Bombs and Birth Control and taught by Dr Fern Riddell – many of the adult learning courses feature sessions where Library collection items are brought out for participants to see, and it always feels special. On this particular course, the group of learners really bonded and ended up attending a Reclaim the Night demonstration together. They created a banner for that demonstration, which is now on display in our current Unfinished Business exhibition on the history of women’s rights – a lovely ‘full circle’ moment!’

Any book recommendations for our readers?

Sophie recommends Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko, which is a novel set between 1910 – 1989 about four generations of a Korean family who emigrate to Japan.

Follow Sophie on Twitter

Find out more about British Library apprenticeships and apply by clicking here.