Maps and views blog

Cartographic perspectives from our Map Librarians

09 July 2014

New lot of maps for georeferencing - release TODAY

Help us identify the locations of historic maps by participating in the largest release yet of BL Georeferencer. Over 3,100 maps, previously hidden within the pages of 17th, 18th, and 19th century books, are now available to georeference and overlay on modern mapping at

This set consists of the maps that the Library released to the public domain via Flickr.  All the illustrations in the books scanned by Microsoft - which included the themes of travel and geography - were extracted from the texts; once the images were posted to Flickr, the public assigned tags. Over the months that the tagging went on, we were thrilled to find a huge amount were maps, but are left with the question: "where in the world...?"

Screenshot for instructions

We have alot of work to do. Please help us identify the locations of these maps by participating in this release of BL Georeferencer!
