Science blog

Exploring science at the British Library


Find out about social sciences at the British Library including collections, events and research. This blog includes contributions from curators and guest posts by academics, students and practitioners. Read more

06 March 2015

Vote now for the Access to Understanding People’s Choice Award

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We are excited to announce voting has now opened for Access to Understanding’s People’s Choice Award!

The People’s Choice Award is an important part of the competition – since the entries are written for the public, we think they should be judged by the public. Click here or on the image below to read and vote for one of the 12 shortlisted entries.

  Click here to read and vote for the People's Choice Award

You can vote for as many articles as you like, once a day. Voting will close at 1200 GMT on 27 March 2015, and the winner will be revealed at the Access to Understanding awards ceremony that evening.

Happy reading!

Boudewijn Dominicus

04 March 2015

To boldly go…

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Katie Howe introduces our upcoming TalkScience@BL event: “Science in extreme environments: where research meets exploration?”. More information and tickets are available here.

Scientists travel to the tops of mountains, the polar regions and even outer space in order to conduct experiments, make observations and set up instruments. But what have we learned from doing science in extreme environments? Studies of creatures that survive in extreme environments allow scientists to investigate the limits of life. From tube worms that live near hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor1 to desert ants in the scorching Sahara desert2,  these so-called extremophiles have adapted to thrive in harsh conditions such as extreme heat, salt or acid. Studying these masters of adaptation has a host of human benefits. For example, scientists are now investigating the potential of biological antifreeze molecules found in the internal fluids of Alaskan beetles for use in cryopreservation and agriculture3. In addition, extremophiles can help us understand how life on Earth began and how life might survive beyond the Earth.7479 A5 TalkScience FlyerFINAL_Page_1 As well as providing important locations for studies of biodiversity and adaptation, extreme environments are also useful for many other types of scientific enquiry. For example the poles are a useful vantage point for atmospheric and astronomical observations, while experiments in space help us understand gravity and its effect on human health. The effect of microgravity on osteoporosis4 has received particular attention. In addition, technologies developed for use on extreme expeditions can have wider commercial applications. Space exploration alone has generated hundreds of technology ‘spin-offs’ including the now widespread memory-foam, which was originally developed by NASA to protect pilots in the event of a crash5.

But projects such as these come with a hefty price tag. Opponents argue that this money could be better spent on causes that are more directly relevant to human health or well being. There is also the potential human cost. By their very nature these extreme environments push humans, and their equipment, to their limits. In 2013 the crew of the ice breaker ship Akademik Shokalskiy6 became trapped in thick ice while operating a scientific expedition in Antarctica. They were rescued after two weeks - unharmed, but following a dangerous and expensive rescue mission. Others warn of the environmental impacts as previously unspoilt areas are now being colonised by scientific researchers.

TalkScienceWhatsOnimageAnother important issue is that exploring these places could make science a vehicle through which geopolitics is played out. Historically, exploration of extreme environments has been strongly associated with geopolitics - from the Cold War space race to the search for the North West passage - and this still persists today. As one of the Earth's final frontiers, Antarctica could be seen as a place to assert national political interests. Over fifty nations have agreed to the Antarctic Treaty and many of these have field stations at the pole. However many countries (notably those in Africa and the Middle East) still lack access to the region.

Aside from the more direct benefits to human wellbeing, there are many less tangible reasons to explore these environments. Although scientists are often required to justify their work by predicting the potential benefits, is there an argument that we simply need to explore for the sake of curiosity? To quote Donald Rumsfeld; “We don’t know what we don’t know.” When Captain Cook caught the first glimpse of Antarctica in 1775 he was not impressed and dismissed the perilous icy wasteland as being of no use to man. In his journal Cook said of whomever should proceed further than he had done; "I shall not envy him the honour of discovery, but I will be bold to say that the world will not be benefited by it." Fast forward 240 years and Antarctica is now a useful site for a huge range of scientific endeavours7

Join us on 25th March to discuss why scientists are driven to explore extreme environments. The debate will be chaired by Alok Jha and speakers include Professor Jane Francis, Dr Michael Bravo and Dr Kevin Fong. Tickets are available here.

Katie Howe

12 February 2015

Strange Bedfellows

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The Knowledge Quarter, with the British Library as its nucleus, is the name given to a London hotspot of technology, knowledge, art and science organisations and - this should be the exciting bit - of interdisciplinary and interpersonal collaboration, and of pulling together resources in new ways. But when George Osborne launched the Knowledge Quarter in December 2014 he was perhaps running to catch up with what has long been hatching here. Laurence Scales looks at three examples from the last 125 years of scientists in the area crossing boundaries.

Big Data

You may have thought that statisticians never bothered in practice with all that coin tossing. Not true! Karl Pearson (1857-1936) ‘occupied part of the vacation of 1892 with 2400 tosses of ten shillings at a time’.

In the wake of Darwin the mechanism and rules of biological inheritance remained obscure and an effort was launched by the Royal Society to probe the subject by conducting statistical inquiries into the measurable characteristics of plants and animals. To this end Pearson established a biometric laboratory at University College London. Unfortunately, in Pearson’s case the quest for understanding nature also became entwined with his Victorian prejudices and he veered off into eugenics. However, in his statistical work he looked for patterns in raw data, investigated covariance (correlation) and revived interest in Bayes’ rule (trying to work backwards from measured probabilities to select between hypotheses).

Karl Pearson | Wellcome Images (CC-BY)

Pearson recruited skilled human computers armed with mechanical calculators and, when war broke out in 1914, he was able to redeploy them outside biology, providing the government with graphs concerning shipping and imports on which the war effort depended. His team also took on aeronautical and ballistic calculations. Solving these problems required not just brute force but simplification and efficiency.

Pearson had thus developed some of the basic tools of data mining or ‘big data’ analysis, the projected domain of the Alan Turing Institute which has a place reserved in the Knowledge Quarter. The Francis Crick Institute behind the British Library will, no doubt, be using such algorithms to mine data from medical records.

Knowledge and Collaboration

About a kilometre north west from the British Library is the last home of molecular biologist J. D. Bernal (1901-1971). In 1943 Bernal worked for Combined Operations Headquarters, a collaboration of army, navy and air force then focused on planning the 1944 invasion that liberated Europe. This may just sound like an exercise in military might but preparations also necessitated the use of every possible source of information.

A lesson from that campaign is that collaboration is not always the automatic and harmonious outcome of proximity. Chief of Combined Operations, Lord Louis Mountbatten, knew that he had not only to shake his headquarters service chiefs out of their grooves but also inject new knowledge and imagination to solve military problems. Bernal was one of those he recruited for the purpose. Habitual secrecy also had to go: Bernal could not provide a good answer until he was sure he was being asked the right question.

Normandy Supply | Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Bernal possessed extraordinary knowledge and intellect, not limited to molecular biology. (But he once remarked, when pressed, that he knew nothing at all about the fourth century in Romania.) He set about investigating, without having access to the Normandy beaches, the physics of waves and sand and the shoreline geology of the area. An important source was the British Museum (the British Library’s former home). He began by consulting a pre-war guide book. Eventually, his desk was even strewn with reports in Latin. The Romans used certain areas of Normandy as a source of peat for fuel, and peat meant peat bogs, unsuitable ground for assault vehicles. The invasion plans of 1944 reflected this accordingly and were largely successful – something else you might not have known that the Romans did for us.

Art and Science

In 2013 visitors to the London Canal Museum, a few blocks north east of the British Library, were invited to don a hard hat to descend into the dank Victorian ice wells. For a few weeks the caverns which once stored Norwegian ice to preserve London’s fish and freeze its ice cream were home to Covariance, a sparkling art installation inspired by subterranean particle detectors and sponsored by the Institute of Physics. (Both organisations are near neighbours and now KQ partners).

"Covariance" Tim Lewis | London Canal Museum

Covariance was a way for both parties to engage with new audiences and the museum also used IT to make the artwork accessible for those unable to visit or scale a ladder. We don’t yet know whether any new ways of processing particle data have emerged from looking at the artist Lyndall Phelps’ glistening ‘diamantes’. While the ice wells may well have turned some young minds towards ice cream, it might just also have turned a few in new directions.

Laurence Scales, , @LWalksLondon

Laurence leads unique and eclectic London tours focused on the history of discovery, invention and intelligence, most recently one devoted to Geeky Ladies.  He is a graduate in engineering and has worked in various technological industries.

Further reading

J. D. Bernal, The Sage of Science by Andrew Brown, 2005

When Computers Were Human by David Alan Grier,2005

The Theory That Would not Die by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne, 2011

The Watery Maze: The Story of Combined Operations by Bernard Fergusson, 1961

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, On-Line Edition

06 February 2015

DataCite Case Study: at the Unviersity of Leeds

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In June last year, we held a DataCite workshop hosted by the University of Glasgow. We've now turned our speaker's use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for rainforest data into a video and printed case study.

You can still find a short summary of that event here. Our thanks go to Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez for taking the time to come and film with us.


We hope that this case study will help institutions promote the idea of data citation and use of DOIs for data to their researchers, and that this in turn will encourage more submission of data to institutional repositories.


A DataCite DOI is not just for data

During January we had also been trying to spread the word that DOIs from DataCite aren't necessarily just for data. We've been working with the British Library's EThOS service to look at how UK institutions might give DOIs to their electronic theses and dissertations.

There was an initial workshop to divine the issues in November 2014, and on 16th January we held a bigger workshop, bringing more institutions together to look at how we might start to establish a common way of identifying e-theses in the UK.

The technical step of assigning a DOI to a thesis is relatively straightforward. Once an institution is working with DataCite (or CrossRef) they can use their established systems to assign a DOI to a thesis. But the policies surrounding the issue and management of this process are more complex. We're hoping that these workshops have helped everyone to pull in the same direction and collaborate on answers to common questions.

This work has given rise to a proposal to look at how to improve the connection between a thesis and the data it is built on. By triggering the consideration of sharing the data supporting a thesis, maybe we can "get 'em young" and introduce good data sharing practice as early in the research career as possible. Connecting the thesis and its data also increases the visibility of both, helping early career researchers to reap the benefits of their hard work sooner.

Watch this space to see what happens next!


19 January 2015

#ShareMyThesis competition - now open

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  • Are you currently studying for or have you completed a PhD degree?
  • Do you want to tell the world why your research is important?

Enter the #ShareMyThesis competition and win a 15 inch MacBook Pro.

Closing date: 9 February 2015 10.00


A PhD thesis is perhaps the largest piece of work that an academic researcher will ever write. But unfortunately these hefty tomes are often destined to be used as doorstops or else gather dust on a forgotten book shelf.

As regular readers of the blog will know we are interested in how PhD theses can be used as a source of information. The British Library recognise the huge amount of work that goes into producing a PhD thesis and we want to raise awareness of the importance of research carried out during the course of a doctorate and increase visibility of the PhD thesis as a valuable source of research information.

To that end the #ShareMyThesis competition challenges PhD students past and present to summarise why your PhD research is important in 140 characters or less. The competition is open worldwide and to entries from all subject areasso tell your non-sciencey friends too!

To enter simply tweet why your PhD research is important using the hashtag #ShareMyThesis. Remember that your tweet should convey why your research is important (not just what your research is about). For more information and full terms and conditions see

This competition is brought to you by EThOS at the British Library and partners Research Councils UK and Vitae.

18 December 2014

Making waves with the Qatar Digital Library

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Francis Owtram explores how Indian Ocean tsunami research is being enhanced by the Qatar Digital Library (QDL), a new bilingual, online portal of archival material relating to Gulf history and Arabic science. This is the first post in a series about the potential of the QDL to provide easier access to historic information for use in contemporary scientific research.

This month marks the 10th anniversary of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami which wreaked havoc around the Indian Ocean leading to the loss of over 250,000 lives. Following this calamitous event there has been increased international effort to understand and predict sources of future tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. To do this many scientists study seismic behaviour from historic eruptions however a key challenge is gaining access to original observational data. Digitised historic material such as that found within the Qatar Digital Library is therefore a useful source of information that can assist this important research.

The 1945 Makran Tsunami

To predict future tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, significant scientific attention has focused on historic activity at the Makran subduction zone, a giant fault slanting beneath the Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan and Iran.

Of particular interest is a massive quake that took place on 28 November 1945 and caused a tsunami that killed over 4000 people in the Indian sub-continent, Iran and Oman. Along with interviews of survivors, original documents can provide vital information on this historic event. 

OCR technology pulls out ‘buried information’

When Professor Din Muhammad Kakar, a geologist at the University of Balochistan in Pakistan, contacted the British Library requesting information on the 1945 earthquake, attention turned to the new Qatar Digital Library portal. The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software embedded in the portal was able to pull out references to the 1945 earthquake and tsunami in reports submitted by British Political Agents posted in the area.

In one document political agent Ralph Hallows recorded that a small island was thrown up off the coast of Gwadur by ‘volcanic activity’ (left image). Dr Gemma Smith, a geophysicist at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, notes that: "Rather than a magmatic volcano, this is likely to refer to a mud volcano produced by the movement and uplift of sediment under high pressures. A similar phenomenon occurred during a recent (2013) earthquake in this region, lending increased credibility to these historical reports of islands appearing offshore".

Another report records the much greater damage inflicted by the earthquake and ensuing tsunami further along the coast at Pasna. This document records that the underwater cable link between Muscat and Karachi was damaged affecting communications (right image). Search terms such as ‘earthquake’ and ‘tidal wave’ can reveal further instances of seismic activity including an earthquake in 1911.

192 and 196
'Administration Reports of the Persian Gulf, 1945 [-1946]' Left: Page 196; Right: Page 192.

The value of historical data

Dr Smith explains the value of these detailed historical records: "There's quite a lot of uncertainty surrounding historical seismicity in this region, specifically regarding which fault zone any particular historical earthquake is sourced from, as there are many active plate boundaries in the surrounding area. In light of this complexity any additional historical earthquake records (especially those with good locational information) can be very helpful. Other particularly useful content would be any specific information regarding the level of damage to structures as this can assist with magnitude estimation".

Being able to predict future quakes more accurately enables assessment of potential impacts on the environment and can also inform disaster planning such as Professor Kakar’s earthquake preparedness lessons carried out in schools in Pakistan. This case study illustrates how historical data can be useful to contemporary scientists. The meticulous record keeping and detailed observations in reports held within the QDL archive, combined with the powerful OCR technology, mean that the QDL portal is a particularly rich resource for this type of work.

Dr Francis Owtram, Gulf History Project Officer


Further information about the Qatar Digital Library

The Qatar Digital Library (QDL) provides access to previously undigitised British Library India Office Records archive materials relating to Gulf history as well as Arabic scientific manuscripts. The portal was launched earlier this year by the British Library Qatar Foundation Partnership. Up to 500,000 images of items from the British Library’s India Office Records are now freely available online for the first time, with content ranging from archives, and maps, to sound recordings and photographs. Another key part of the QDL is the selection of Arabic manuscripts from the British Library Collections dealing with scientific subjects such as medicine, mathematics, astronomy, engineering and chemistry. The first 40 of these manuscripts were put online in October and an announcement including a list of these can be found here. There are now 50 scientific manuscripts on the portal, containing over 120 different texts.

12 December 2014

Wishing you a Merry Crystal-mas from DataCite UK

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As 2014 draws to a close, it has been another busy year for us here at the Library running DataCite UK. Over the past 12 months the number of organisations that are now using DataCite DOIs in the UK has gone up to 26.

One highlight from earlier in the year was the minting of 3millionth DOI, which you can find here: This was minted as part of the work by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre to assign DOIs to their crystallographic datasets. This has been a particularly nice milestone to have as 2014 has been the International Year of Crystallography.

In this year of crystallography, CCDC are by no means the only crystallography database getting DOIs for their data. Both eCrystals ( based at Southampton and the SPECTRa project at Imperial ( are doing the same thing.

This work now means that there are DOIs available for the crystal structure of caffeine (, paracetamol ( and theobromine (, all things that you might want to (or might need to) partake of this Christmas.

ChocolateimageTheobromine is a key flavour compound in milk and dark chocolate, and the reason you can't feed it to your pets: theobromine is particularly toxic to animals. Image from Flickr, CC-BY-NC-SA. 



28 November 2014

How to write a plain English summary

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An introduction to the Access to Understanding web resource, which provides guidance on how to write a plain English summary.

The 2015 Access to Understanding science writing competition is now open for entries. The British Library, Europe PMC and eLife are challenging early career researchers to write a plain English summary of a recent biomedical research article.

If you are thinking of entering the competition then you might be interested in taking a look at the writing guidance on the Access to Understanding website.


This resource explains what a plain English summary is and gives top tips on how you can write a great one yourself. It also covers the reasons why plain English summaries are useful and provides links to further resources where you can find inspiration and learn more.

Some excellent prizes are on offer for this year's competition - the winner will receive an iPad and their entry published in eLife. The competition closes on 9th December so if you are looking for something to do this weekend then look no further! Find out more about the competition here.

Katie Howe

11 November 2014

Science writing competition - now open for entries!

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We are excited to announce the launch of 2015's Access to Understanding science writing competition - a prestigious, international competition aimed at PhD students and early career post-doctoral researchers where the challenge is to summarise a cutting-edge research article for a non-specialist audience.

The winner will receive an iPad and have their entry published in eLife. Read on for more…

A2U competition flyer_2015

For more information:

Questions: [email protected]

The competition is developed by the British Library, eLife and Europe PMC for Access to Understanding. It is supported by the Europe PMC Funders.

Access to Understanding is a collaboration promoting wider understanding of biomedical research findings.

03 November 2014

Access to Understanding

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This week we share the final video from our Beautiful Science events season - the Access to Understanding science writing competition.

‘Access to Understanding’ is a science writing competition that challenges early career researchers to summarize a recent biomedical research article for a public audience.  The competition is delivered by the British Library in partnership with Europe PMC – the free life sciences information resource.  Although the move towards open access publishing means that scientific research is more easily accessible, access does not always equate to understanding as scientific papers often contain highly specific technical language. Access to Understanding aims to bridge this gap between access and understanding. 

Winning entrants were recognised at a prestigious awards ceremony, which included speeches by Sharmila Nebhrajani (Association of Medical Research Charities) and the Government Chief Scientific Advisor Sir Mark Walport on the importance of communicating science in an understandable way. As keynote speaker Sir Mark Walport said, “Science is for everyone - not just to be shared within a small closed community”.

First place went to Elizabeth Kirkham for her entry which explained research investigating the role of the brain in musical beat prediction and was published by eLife. 2014 also saw the launch of the People’s Choice award, which invited members of public to vote for their favourite shortlisted entry. You can read all the winning entries in the competition booklet

This year’s Access to Understanding competition launches later in November. We’ll be sharing more information on this blog very soon so stay tuned!

Katie Howe